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Homemade Lasagne

Cowbridge Kitchen

Probably the Iconic Italian dish , Lasagne is the first think most people think of. There are many different recipes for making this Italian Lasagne, but one thing is for sure , if your going to make a Lasagne then you have to make your own pasta.

When making a Lasagne you need to make it in three sections, first you have to make your Pasta, second you need a great tasting Ragu and then a creamy béchamel sauce.

Once the three sections of the Lasagne have been made you simply create layers of Pasta and Ragu topped off with the béchamel sauce and back it in the oven for the Classic Italian Lasagne.

I like to serve this Lasagne with Cheesy Ciabatta Garlic Bread.

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This takes about 1hr 30 minutes to make
30 mins Prep time
1 hr Cooking time
Cooking timer Time
Nutritional Facts
This is based on a 1 piece
250g portion

Calories: 348
Protein: 19g
Fat: 12g
Carbohydrates: 40g
Fiber: 4g
Sugar: 8.3g
Nutritional information Nutrition
This recipe will serve upto 4 people Table for Two Servings
Tricky : This recipe is a bit tough
Anybody can have a go at this recipe, but you need some experience to make this.
Chefs hat Difficulty
note pad and pencil

We have made our own pasta for this recipe, but you can use dry pasta sheets just the same.

Pasta Recipes , Beef Recipes ,

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Cost to make:
£8.27 / $10.47 (Est.)

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▼ Other recipes in this category
  • Tagliatelle al Ragu
  • Pasta Sheets
  • Pasta Carbonara
  • Tortellini
  • Related Video
    Video may vary from this recipe

    How to Make Lasagne

    Lasagne is probably one of the oldest pasta dishes ever created. Real lasagne is made from large flat pasta sheets, layered with bolognese and topped with a Bechamel sauce (White Sauce)

    The origins of the Llasagne go back to a place called Llasagne , which is where it gets it's name. The recipe its self dates back to ancient Greece.

    The authentic and original pasta was made with just Flour and Water, but todays pasta incorporates other ingredients such as egg.

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    serving tray Cuisine:Italian
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    For the Bolognese
    350 g fresh minced beef
    1 Brown Onion
    1 tbs of Soft Brown Sugar (15g)
    30 g Salted Butter
    15 g of plain flour
    1 tsp of lazy garlic
    1 tin of chopped tomatoes
    100 ml Red Wine
    3 tbs (45 g) Tomato Paste
    2 beef stock cubes
    1/4 tsp Black Pepper
    1.5 tsp Italian Spice Mix

    For the Bechamel Sauce
    400 - 500 ml milk (Warm)
    45 g of butter
    30 g of plain flour
    150 g Grated Cheese

    Cooking Instructions

      For the Bolognese
    1. Dice up your onion and add the lazy garlic to it, mix together.
    2. Melt the butter in a pan then fry off the onions & Garlic until soft, about 10 minutes.
    3. Add the sugar to the onions and allow to cook for a further 5 minutes
    4. When the onions are soft , add the minced beef and fry until it is cooked. You can chop this up with a wooden spoon as it cooks.
    5. Empty the chopped tomatoes, Red wine and Tomato paste into a food processor and process for a few seconds so that the tomatoes are well chopped up.
    6. Add the crumbled up stock cubes, Pepper and Italian Spice into the cooked beef and mix it in well.
    7. When the beef mixture has been cooking for a few extra minutes add the flour and mix in to form a loose roux.
    8. Add the processed chopped tomato sauce and mix up with a wooden spoon.
    9. leave this to cook for around 15 minutes on a low heat.
    10. Cover and set aside.
    11. For the Sauce
    12. Melt the butter in a saucepan.
    13. Add the flour to the melted butter, and mix.
    14. Then add the warm milk. The more milk you add the thinner your sauce will be, keep cooking and whisk continually.
    15. Mix in the cheese until melted.
    16. Cover and set the sauce aside.
    17. Putting the Lasagne together
    18. In a greased oven dish , place the first sheet of pasta to fit.
    19. Add a good quantity of bolognese , then add the second pasta sheet on top . cut to fit.
    20. It is a nice idea to add a layer of cheese slices on top of the first layer of bolognese.
    21. Add another layer of bolognese , and finally cover with the last pasta sheet, being careful not to leave any corners sticking up.
    22. Cover with a generous amount (if not all) of the cheese sauce.
    23. Cover with foil before cooking
    24. Back in a preheated oven @ 180 c for approx. 35 minutes.
    25. Remove the foil and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
    26. Remove the dish from the oven and allow to cool for 20 minutes, garnish with grated Parmesan or hard Italian cheese and fresh Basil leaves.
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    Chefs Tips

    When making a Lasagne, look at it as 3 steps.

    Step 1: Make your Pasta
    Step 2: Make a Ragu (Meat)
    Step 3: Make a Béchamel sauce

    Then all you have to do it put it together, layer by layer.

    I have made my own pasta, but you can use dry pasta sheets.Pasta
    Dry Pasta Sheets