The Food We Eat
By Jon Noble
26th March 2021
It doesn’t really matter whether you are a professional Chef, a keen armature or just a complete no hoper, when it comes to food there will be a time in your life when you are going to want to impress somebody with your culinary skills.
And don’t think you can get away with cheating because the sound of three perfectly orchestrated beeps echoing from the kitchen signals the imminent arrival of a moron carrying a plate of freshly prepared, dehydrated offerings that can only end with a one way ticket to the toilet.
Given the amount of kitchen disasters I witnessed as a child growing up in the 80’s I decided from an early age that I was going to become a master of my own kitchen.
If you are one of those folks who loves to sit there and watch Master Chef or The Great British Bake Off then let me give you a heads up. I am not one of those Chefs who stands there in his white chefs jacket sporting the latest fashionable accent and pretentious head gear, professing that because I impressed some individual with my gastronomic flare and have a Michelin Star to my name that my food is the best thing since sliced bread (Pardon the pun).
What I will say to you is that food has always been and will always be Subjective. The quality of the food is always down to the individual interpretation of what is good and what is not so good. So stand there in all of your pomp and glory wearing your best Toque and neckerchief because the best chef in the world will be S**t all use to you if you don’t like what he cooks.
So with the introductions over let me explain what I am all about and why you ‘Are what You Eat’. I have recipes from Chip Shop Curry Sauce to Beef Stroganoff, and I have cooked in a Chip Shop, Gastro Pub and Top end Hotels and the one thing I can tell you is that every one of these establishments attracts its own unique clientele.
The reason for this is nothing as simple as location or price, although this does influence matters. More often than not it is the offerings. It’s the food.
We are always being told that too much of this is bad for you and not enough of this is going to kill you, and there is probably a lot of truth out there. At the end of the day we eat the way we do because of our individual life style.
Looking around the internet I have come across many recipes that claim to be the Best, The One and Only, The Be All and End All of recipes and I’m sorry to drop this bombshell on you but most of them are rubbish (Not all). Quite a few of them are based around some maverick idea that in order to be a great recipe it has to contain most of the contents from your pantry and you need to have a pHd in French, Spanish and Italian just to read the title.
This is not how cooking is in the real world. Let me say that any kitchen I have ever worked in didn’t have a man who was obviously possessed by Satan shouting and screaming at everything with a pulse.
If we are what we eat then I Am What I Cook, and what I cook is for the laypeople of the World. I am a great believer in saying it the way it is and I am the same with cooking. If you are interested in learning some cooking tips and tricks that will make you wonder why you haven’t been cooking this way before then take a look at some of my recipes.
I’m not going to stand here and say that I do everything by the book, because I don’t. But I will offer you a unique insight into the world of cooking that you have never seen before along with a cast iron guarantee that all of my recipes work.