Making beef burgers is easy and it is a great way to use minced beef.
Homemade beef burgers are delicious and a popular BBQ idea. So why not make your own, they are cheap to make and taste great.
In this Beef Burger recipe we are going to use Horseradish as the main seasoning, beef and horseradish traditionally go together and the horseradish gives this recipe a bit of a kick.
You are going to need a Burger Press for this recipe. You could mould them by hand but if you are going to make a homemade burger you might as well do it right.
Cost to make:
£3.83/ $4.85(Est.)
Burger Press,
Hamburgers date back to the 19th century and the modern Beefburger was developed as demand for more affordable food that could be eaten outside or on the go.
This Beefburger recipe adds a twist to the original beefburger, traditionally Beef & Horseradish always go together, so we have combined this Beefburger with Horseradish to give it a taste of it's own.
Horseradish has been well known for it's medicinal qualities as far back as the 15th centure, ancient Greeks used it as a rub for muscle pain.
It is also concidered an aphrodisiac ? .
If you don't want to use all of the burgers at once you can wrap them up in clingfilm and freeze them.
When cooking these burgers from frozen, cook them slower on a lower heat and flatten them with a fish-slice as they cook.